Jet Unit

Informations sur le Jet Unit instance d'Odoo, le ERP Open Source.

Applications installées

Product Bundle Pack in Odoo
Combine two or more product pack product kit product bundle product pack item on product combo product on sale bundle product delivery bundle product pack kit combine product combine product variant bundle item pack sales bundle delivery pack bundle
Des devis aux factures
Factures & Paiements
Minimum Order Quantity
E-Commerce Minimum Order Quantity
Suivez vos pistes et signez des opportunités
Site Web
Constructeur de sites web d'entreprise
Gérez votre stock et vos activités logistiques
Bons de commande, conventions et accords
Vendez vos produits en ligne
Ordres de fabrication & nomenclatures
Email Marketing
Concevoir, envoyer et suivre des emails
Centralisez les informations de vos employés
Recyclage des données
Retrouvez d'anciens enregistrements et archivez/supprimez-les
Odoo Magento 2 Connector
Odoo Magento 2 Connector helps you integrate your Magento 2.x website with Odoo and automates various operations between Odoo and Magento.Apart from Odoo Magento Connector, we do have other ecommerce solutions or applications such as Woocommerce connector , Shopify connector , and also we have solutions for Marketplace Integration such as Odoo Amazon connector , Odoo eBay Connector , Odoo Walmart Connector , Odoo Connector.Aside from ecommerce integration and ecommerce marketplace integration, we also provide solutions for various operations, such as shipping , logistics , shipping labels , and shipping carrier management with our shipping integration , known as the Shipstation connector.For the customers who are into Dropship business, we do provide EDI Integration that can help them manage their Dropshipping business with our Dropshipping integration or Dropshipper integration It is listed as Dropshipping EDI integration and Dropshipper EDI integration.Emipro applications can be searched with different keywords like Amazon integration , Shopify integration , Woocommerce integration, Magento integration , Amazon vendor center module , Amazon seller center module , Inter company transfer , Ebay integration , integration , inventory management , warehouse transfer module , dropship and dropshipper integration and other Odoo integration application or module
Odoo Google Tag Manager | Odoo GTM
Google Tag Manager - GTM script
Chat, passerelle de messagerie et canaux privés
Centralisez votre carnet d'adresses
Planifiez des réunions d'employés
Marketing Automation
Construisez des campagnes de mailing automatisées
Gestion des compétences
Gérer les compétences, les connaissances et le CV de vos employés

Localisations / Plans comptables installés

Canada - Comptabilité
Format de chèques canadiens
Imprimer un chèque canadien